This is re-produced on Windows 10. There is no such issue on Windows server 2019.
On Windows10, when joining networks with a multiple network enrollment key, the network is not available and there is no auto peerUpdate arrived.
Reproduce steps:
Create two Netmaker network
Create an enrollment key and select both of the two network
On a Windows10, install netclient and join the networks with the enrollment key created in last step.
The network might not be available and it could not connect to other hosts.
Somehow on Windows10, after the installation and join the networks with a multiple network enrollment key, the route entries are not updated properly. It results in that the network is unreachable, also the peerUpdate does not work because of the network issue.
A manual `netclient pull` command will pull the update and all the configuration and route can be updated successfully. The Netmaker network works as expected.